
Combating domestic abuse: insights, strategies, initiatives, and government statistics

Combating domestic abuse: insights, strategies, initiatives, and government statistics

12/07/24   Domestic abuse and violence represent significant challenges, affecting millions globally.When you add football championships in to the mix, domestic violence cases can increase by as much as 38%. ...

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Heading ban in kids' football: Safeguarding health, shaping the game

Heading ban in kids' football: Safeguarding health, shaping the game

14/06/24   The European Championships are about to start, and if our national team is successful we will be singing about how football might be coming home. However, one thing that will not be coming home in to...

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 Reforming Laws for Abuse Survivors

Reforming Laws for Abuse Survivors

17/05/24   The Government has released a consultation asking for opinions on changing the law so that more people can pursue civil claims for abuse without time restrictions.This consultation follows a series of...

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How a head injury impact a person’s life?

How a head injury impact a person’s life?

07/05/24   Head injuries, ranging from mild concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), have the potential to disrupt lives in profound ways. Whether incurred through criminal injuries, accidents, or...

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Can I make a claim for domestic abuse?

Can I make a claim for domestic abuse?

02/05/24   Domestic abuse is a deeply damaging form of violence that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It can occur within intimate partner relationships, families, or households, and its impact can be...

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What constitutes a sexual assault?

What constitutes a sexual assault?

04/04/24   Written by Sarah HowardSexual assault is a term used to describe a range of non-consensual sexual activities involving any form of unwanted contact or behaviour inflicted upon an individual without...

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